Friday, May 29, 2020

Adventure Race

Here is the data for the Rootstock Adventure Race: Lockdown that I completed from May 21-24th.

Stage 1: Trail run on the Pinchot Trail. I biked there and stashed my bike in some bushes.

Stage 2: Bushwhack in the Watres area of Pinchot forest. I biked there, locked it to a tree and went north until I found Painter Creek. Then I followed the creek for a ways and used my compass to navigate back to the starting point. Saw a little bear and a big mama! 

2 hours from this activity

choose 1 hour from this activity

Stage 3: Road ride. I took Plank Road to Gouldsboro State park and around the town. I also used the shorter road rides that I did to get to my trail run and bushwhacking. 

Stage 4: off road ride (night activity). I was planning on bike backpacking, but my water bladder leaked all over my sleeping bag and night clothes! So I turned this ride into a nighttime geocache hunt and did a couple bonus miles the next evening. 

Stage 5: Multisport (bike/kayak/hike/run). I biked to Brady's Lake and my mom met me there with the kayaks. We kayaked and had a geocache fail on an island. Then we hiked to a different geocache. Then I ran to a geocache and ran home and found 3 more! 

Stage 6: non-bike/run discipline: bushwhacking on old drinker turnpike and channel cat fishing

Stage 7: strength building: stacking firewood

Stage 8: Navigation Challenge - 11 geocaches

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